Wednesday, 24 August 2011

Gabriel Dumont Institute Apprenticeship Program seeking out partnerships

Gabriel Dumont Institute Apprenticeship Program seeking out partnerships
By: Armand LaPlante
For the Indigenous Times Newspaper
There is a new opportunity in Saskatchewan for employers and Aboriginal apprentices in the trades industry.
The Gabriel Dumont Institute, in partnership with Saskatchewan Highways and Infrastructure, the Saskatchewan Apprenticeship and Trades Certification Commission, Human Resources and Skills Development Canada, and Dumont Technical Institute launched the Aboriginal Apprenticeship Initiative on June 29, 2011. The Program, which is one of only eight to be funded under the federal Strategic Partnership Fund, aims to increase Aboriginal representation in the trades industry and create partnerships within the industry. The program was approved for funding in the Spring of 2011 by the Human Resource and Skills Development Canada and will be receiving $2.4 million over the next two years.

"We want to open more opportunities for businesses to bring in and train up new apprentices," says Jason DeBack, GDIs apprenticeship coordinator, "We are helping businesses fill their demands for employees as well as increasing Aboriginal representation in the trades industry."

Currently, the Aboriginal population is the fastest growing population in Saskatchewan and the Aboriginal Apprenticeship Program plans to increase the number of Aboriginal individuals in trades by at least 120 within the next two years. GDIs Apprenticeship Office is encouraging businesses to reach out and make use of this opportunity in order to have access to Aboriginal employees qualified to meet their employment demands. Businesses may also be eligible for wage subsidy from GDIs Aboriginal Apprentice Program.
Thus far, the number of apprentices finding employment through the Aboriginal Apprenticeship Program has been steady but the opportunity is still available for employers and apprentices all across the Province.

For more information, contact:

Gabriel Dumont Institute
Apprenticeship Office
997 - 22nd Street
Saskatoon, SK

Sunday, 21 August 2011

A recap on the Sask Indian Summer Games 2011

A Sports-filled Summer for First Nations
by Armand LaPlante
for the Indigenous Times Newspaper

After a rainy start and some delays, the Sask First Nations Summer Games had a successful year on Thunderchild First Nation land. From August 6-11, over 3000 athletes competed in sports such as archery, golf, track & field and more while representing their home Nations and Tribal Councils.

This year the ACTC (Agency Chiefs Tribal Council) and MLTC (Meadow Lake Tribal Council) teams ranked at the top but scores are so close that the points are still being calculated and official results will not be posted until later this fall. Both teams spent months training and preparing and their hard work has paid off.

Aside from sports, the youth from all over the province were kept busy and content with daily entertainment, a career fair, and demonstrations from the Bold Eagle Program as well as the Pelican Lake RCMP Cadets.
The Games staff stated their appreciation for Chief Delbert Wapass, Councillors, Staff and the community of Thunderchild First Nation for volunteering their time and hosting the games on their land.

Congratulations to all the athletes, thank you to the coordinators for such a great and positive event and thanks to the Thunderchild First Nation. See everyone at the Sask First Nations Winter Games in Saskatoon in 2012.

Also this summer,the FSIN Fastball Championships took place at Dakota Dunes. The winners were Cowessess First Nation, in both men
s and womens. 

Official results are still pending, but the listed unofficial standings are as follows:
Meadow Lake Tribal Council 929.75
Agency Chiefs Tribal Council 927.50
Saskatoon Tribal Council 749.75
Touchwood Agency Tribal Council 711.50
Team Woodland 676.25
Onion Lake Cree Nation 408.00
Prince Albert Grand Council 396.50
File Hills Qu'Appelle Tribal Council 360.25
Battleford Agency Tribal Council 283.25
South East Treaty 4 Tribal Council 267.75
Team Beardy's & Okemasis First Nation 251.00
Yorkton Tribal Council 192.75
Battlefords Tribal Council 191.75

MLTC (Meadow Lake Tribal Council) athletics team (above) scored big during the Track & Field event (submitted photo)